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There are a few reasons why it is generally not a good idea for a domestic cat to leave the house without a human.

First, cats can get lost or injured if they are outside without supervision. Cats are curious animals and may wander off or become distracted, which can lead to them getting lost or hurt. Additionally, outdoor cats are at risk of being injured or killed by other animals or vehicles.

Second, outdoor cats can also pose a threat to local wildlife. Cats are natural hunters and may hunt and kill small animals, such as birds and rodents, when they are outside. This can be harmful to the local ecosystem and may cause problems with neighbors or local authorities.

Finally, allowing a cat to roam outside without supervision can also be dangerous for the cat itself. Cats can be exposed to diseases and parasites when they are outside, and may bring these back into the home, potentially spreading them to other pets or humans.

Overall, it is generally safer and more responsible to keep a domestic cat indoors, where they are protected from the risks and dangers associated with being outside. If you do want to allow your cat to spend time outside, it is important to do so safely and responsibly, such as by using a leash or a cat enclosure.

Mieszko Eichelberger

Zoopsycholog specjalizujący się w zachowaniu kotów domowych. Opiekun zwierząt domowych, edukator oraz pasjonat działań pro przyrodniczych. Moją pasją jest walka o poprawę warunków życia kotów domowych w Polskim systemie prawnym, przy okazji walczę też o wsparcie bioróżnorodności.

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